Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Fill out the questionnaire form below and we will contact you regarding your request.
If you have a custom order we will contact you with specifics and send a preview of your project for approval before it is finalized. If you are unable to attend your group party and you have already paid for your project, you can always attend a “pick your project night/open paint night” to make up the class.
How It Works
For private group parties, we require you to fill out a form. Once you submit the form, your invited guests can RSVP to your event. They can browse our available projects, or request a custom project. After placing their order and making the payment, they will be all set to attend the group and enjoy a fun-filled class.
Place your project order at least 5 days prior to the date of the class. Custom deisgns may take additional time.
Checkout and that's it! Everything will be setup prior to your arrival. See you there!
Thank you for your interest in a private event with MB's Creative Brush! Please fill out the information in the form below and we will reach out to you soon about your request.